Vivo Defence Services

In August 2024, the Association and the Infrastructure Department will welcome in the most significant change to the way that property management and maintenance services are provided to the Volunteer Estate in more than 115 years.

The introduction of the Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS) on 1 August 2024 will see the Infrastructure Department change from being a delivery agency responsible for reactive maintenance, statutory and mandatory inspections and tests (SMIT) and additional works services such as renovations, refurbishments and new buildings to an assurance body that monitors the estate and the works being undertaken by the new prime contractor – VIVO Defence Services (VIVO).

VIVO currently have the Built Estate contract which supplies Hard FM services to the Regular Estate across a footprint which covers eight of the 13 RFCAs – the Central region. The new Volunteer Estate contract will mirror this geographic laydown that we, our sister RFCAs and Council of RFCAs in London are now busy planning for and laying down the new organisation which will underpin our responsibilities in this new environment.

What the Infrastructure Department and our ‘chain of command’ can continue to promise is that we will remain a strong voice for the North West and we will challenge VIVO and Defence to deliver the best possible service for our region.